How to remove the Windows 10 Free Upgrade tray icon from your computer!

Windows 7 and Windows 8 users might have noticed a new Windows icon in their system trays that when clicked, will open a dialog that introduces Windows 10 and determines if you’re eligible for a free upgrade. When you click this icon, a dialog will appear, which will determine if your PC is Windows 10 ready. It will also check to see If you’re eligible to upgrade for free and, of course, try to showcase and dazzle you with all the wonderful things Windows 10 will mean to you.
The bottom line is that nobody that uses their computer all of the time wants to see this free advertisement from windows! Besides, aren't we all genuine windows product key holders? This icon obviously was installed without your knowledge, which is enough to make anyone upset with Microsoft!
Here is how to remove that icon and dialog permanently. Follow the quick and easy steps below to rid your computer from this ad forever!
Step 1-
Click the Windows key, then navigate to the control panel. Once at the control panel, click on PROGRAMS AND FEATURES
Step 2-
In the programs and features menu, on the left side of the window, click on VIEW INSTALLED UPDATES
Step 3-
Here you will need to scroll down the list of installed updates. Be sure that you scroll down to the Microsoft Windows updates as shown in the picture below. We are looking for the update named KB3035583
Step 4-
Once you find the update named KB3035583, you need to click on it once, then click the UNINSTALL button towards the top. You also can right click the KB3035583 update and then left click Uninstall (as shown in picture below)
Step 5-
After windows has finished removing update KB3035583 you will get a prompt to restart your computer. Click Restart now (as show in picture below)
Step 6-
Once your computer has finished restarting, go to the control panel and then click Windows Updates. This will bring up the list of updates to install. Click Important updates and pull up the list of updates that are important.
Find the update name KB3035583 and then right click on it and then left click HIDE UPDATE. (hide update is shown in picture)
There you have it! All gone and not going to show up again! If you have any questions or problems please do not hesitate to tell me!
Good Luck,